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Turnditch CE Primary School

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What is the PTFA?

A very warm welcome to our Parent Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA).

Our School is very fortunate to have a thriving PTFA that has been an integral part of the school community. All parents, carers, teachers and staff are automatically members of the PTFA.

Our main aims are:

  • To support the education of the children via fundraising and other activities.
  • To foster strong relationships between staff, parents and others associated with the school.

We host regular PTFA meetings (all Parents, Teachers and Friends of the school are very warmly welcomed) to discuss upcoming events and consider ideas for spending. If you are interested in becoming involved, or would just like to know more, please come along to any meeting, speak to one of the Committee or  ask about our parent's WhatsApp group. You can also email the PTFA on ptfa@turnditch.derbyshire.sch.uk.

In addition, you can also contact us via:

  • Facebook (search for TurnditchSchoolPTFA)

We are always happy to see new faces and hear new ideas. We look forward to seeing you. 

Who are the PTFA? What are the roles?

Our PTFA Committee currently comprises 6 core members (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary,  and Social Secretary).

If you have any questions or ideas, please do get in touch with one of the committee members (see below), ask via your class teacher, or at the school office. 

The PTFA roles are really varied and are not all BIG ones. However, in taking on any role, together you will make a HUGE difference with our PTFA team. Click HERE to find out more about the roles of some of the roles. 

Committee Contacts (2024-2025):


Lindsay Burton


Kim Reid 


Leanne Scire

Social Secretary

Kim Leighton 

Grant Finder

Vikki Williams



Forthcoming PTFA Events

We continue to plan exciting events as often as possible. Our annual, much-loved Summer Fayre keeps going strong, running in June each year. Your support with donations of small items as gifts are always gratefully received. Please look out for messaging sent via Dojo/Teachers2Parents for updates on this and future events. 

Date and time of forthcoming meeting(s)

Upcoming PTFA meeting(s) will be held at 7.30pm at The Tiger Pub on the following dates:

  1. 4th October 2024 - AGM (all welcome)
  2. 8th November 2024 
  3. 27th November 2024