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Turnditch CE Primary School

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Online Safety

It is so important to stay safe online!

Technology and Computers play a big part in children’s lives today and there are so many different devices that allow easy access to the internet: iPads, mobile phones, laptops and computers are only a few that children can use.

At Turnditch, online safety is taught across all year groups with content appropriate to their age and stage of development.  Children can demonstrate and say how they stay safe on line. They know who they can talk to if they see or read anything that upsets them, this includes at home.

As a parent it is vital that you know what your child is exposed to on the internet. CEOP is a company that helps to keep all children safe on the internet and has links with Child Line. Please visit their website to find out more about them.

SKIPS Online Safety Guide for Parents (Sept 2022) – CLICK HERE.

Below are some posters with up-to-date information (November 2021) on popular apps.


Latest DfE guidance for Online Safety –CLICK HERE

Supporting Young People Online – CLICK HERE

CEOP – online safety resource – Hectors World Safety Button
Hector is a dolphin that can help children stay safe on the internet. He stays in the corner of the desktop waiting for you if you need him. If you see something you are not happy to see just click on him and he covers the whole screen to hide it. Tell your grown up about it and they will make a note of the website and hopefully set the filter level to a higher setting on your computer.

Please click here to install Hector




CEOP Report Abuse Button (for reporting suspected abuse)

SMART Rules! (For keeping children safe online)

  1. Safe: Keep your personal information safe. When chatting or posting online don’t give away things like your full name, password or home address. Remember personal information can be seen in images and videos you share too. Keep them safe to keep yourself safe.
  2. Meet: Meeting up with someone you only know online, even a friend of a friend, can be dangerous as this person is still a stranger. If someone you only know online ever asks you to meet up, for personal information or for photos/videos of you then tell an adult straight away and report them together on www.thinkuknow.co.uk
  3. Accepting: Think carefully before you click on or open something online (e.g. links, adverts, friend requests, photos) as you never know where they may lead to or they may contain viruses. Do not accept something if you are unsure of who the person is or what they’ve sent you.
  4. Reliable: You cannot trust everything you see online as some things can be out of date, inaccurate or not entirely true. To find reliable information compare at least three different websites, check in books and talk to someone about what you have found.
  5. Tell: Tell a trusted adult if something or someone ever makes you feel upset, worried or confused. This could be if you or someone you know is being bullied online. There are lots of people who will be able to help you like your teachers, parents, carers or contact Childline – 0800 11 11 or www.childline.org.uk . A useful parent’s ‘Bookmark‘ created by O2 with NSPCC can be found HERE.


Remember to always be smart with a heart by being kind and respectful to others online. Make the internet a better place by helping your friends if they are worried or upset by anything that happens online.

Below are some online safety links which you may find helpful.

Thinkuknow – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk
CEOP – https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre
CBBC Stay Safe – http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/stay-safe

Common Sense Media – https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

Vodafone’s support website – http://vodafonedigitalparenting.co.uk/

CEOP/ParentZone – http://parentinfo.org/page/for-schools

Parent Zone’s Popjam (Instagram for children) – http://parentzone.org.uk/article/popjam

Online safety video resources for parents – https://www.gdst.net/parents/live-my-digital/online-safety-videos-resources

Other resources for helping keep your child safe:

Digi Duck Stories (age 3-7)

The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the Smart Crew (age 7-11)

The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin (age 3-7)

How to set Parental Controls for the main Internet Service Providers

Click on the service provider icon (below) to find out more about setting PARENTAL CONTROLS.

Advice from the UK Safer Internet Centre on setting up Parental Controls can be found HERE.

In school we have a range of security measures in place to help safeguard children from potential dangers and unsuitable material. Please see our relevant policies below…
