Religious Education
“RE, taught well, provides a safe space to discuss, experience and respond well to difference - a space where students can engage with controversial issues and learn to disagree respectfully with each other. This can play a key role in fostering good relationships between different groups within the school and in later life."
Derby and Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025
Turnditch is a proud Church of England school where Religious Education is a subject of the utmost importance to us. We teach from a Christian perspective based on the teachings of Christ and the theology of the Church of England. We believe that RE helps children develop empathy and an understanding of their own beliefs and the faith of others. We also teach our children about other faiths and religions too. We expect that all children know about the significant events in other religions, understand how these promote faith for their followers and that these events or practices deserve our respect. Each year the children will work through the Understanding Christianity scheme and this is supplemented by the local Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus.
In EYFS, we introduce children to the similarities and differences between different religions and cultural communities through questions such as which people are special and why, and what is special about our world?
In KS1, we cover a wide range of themes such as sacred books, sacred places and the celebration of special and sacred times with specific, focused units on Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
In KS2, we cover a wide range of themes, building on KS1 content. We look at why festivals are important and why people pray, to what do religions say to us when life gets hard? Focused units are based around Islam, Humanism, Christianity and Buddhism.
Understanding Christianity
The key purpose of this Programme is to help all teachers support pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.
We aim to see pupils leave school with a coherent understanding of Christian belief and practice. Pupils from 4-14 explore the significant theological concepts within Christianity as part of developing their wider religious, theological and cultural literacy.
The Understanding Christianity Project identifies eight core concepts at the heart of Christianity that pupils need to understand. These concepts tell the ‘big story’ of the Bible.
The eight core concepts have symbols associated with them as shown below.
Daily Acts of Collective Worship
Monday– Whole School Collective Worship
Tuesday- Class Collective Worship
Wednesday– Class Collective Worship
Thursday –Whole School Praise (Singing) Collective Worship & Collective Worship with Reverend Rachel once per month
Friday– Celebration Worship
Each half term we have two Christian Values of focus linked to our school vision. In Collective Worship sessions we celebrate our pupils and staff who demonstrate the Christian Values being studied in their lives both in and out of school. Our Christian Values are also the focus of our daily acts of Collective Worship.
Collective Worship map HERE.
RE long term plan HERE
RE Progression Map HERE