Meet the Governors
Miss Emma Woods – Chair of the Governing Body - Email:
Mrs Nikki Strange – Vice Chair, Parent Governor
Mr David Brown – Executive Headteacher
Miss Roxanne Bunn – Head of School
Mrs Angela Jeffrey – Foundation Governor
Mrs Rebecca Barker - Staff Governor
Mr Frazer Smith – Foundation Governor
Reverend Rachel Burdett – Foundation Ex-Officio Governor
Governors who have left the Governing body (within last 12 months)
Father Jonathan Page (Vicar) – Foundation Ex-Officio Governor
Clerk to Governors
Vacant role - to be appointed by the governors of Walter Evans School
Governing Body Minutes
There are copies of Governing Body minutes readily available at the school office. Please contact the school if you would like to view these.
Ever thought about becoming a School Governor?
Can you support the work we do, have you got some time to attend meetings, do you have relevant skills that you could bring to the school? Can you commit to approximately 6 meetings a year, undertake relevant training and occasionally visit the school to support with monitoring activities?
If this is you please contact the school on 01773 550304 or email and we will put you in contact with the Chair of governors.