Welcome to our dedicated curriculum page for our chosen Literacy scheme – Literacy Shed Plus!
The Literacy Shed Plus curriculum lists available below map out the learning objectives and writing outcomes for film and book-based writing units used during literacy lessons.
EYFS Curriculum Map | KS1 5-7 Curriculum Map | Lower KS2 7 – 9 Curriculum Map | Upper KS2 9 – 11 Curriculum Map |
At Turnditch CE Primary School we intend to give our pupils the key skills in English that enables them to access material in all curriculum areas, and provide a foundation for their learning through their school career and beyond. To achieve this, we are focused on making English interesting, exciting and purposeful by engaging the pupils with the joy and wonder of books and capturing their imagination both inside and outside of school. English is viewed as a fundamental part of the holistic development of the child for inspiring minds through literature, fostering positive behaviour and attitudes towards learning, whilst developing key learning characteristics of being brave, innovative, collaborative and taking ownership.
We equip pupils with skills and articulacy in literacy that will enable them to understand and influence the world as they grow. These skills include the ability to interpret and to express meaning from a range of sources and in a variety of contexts, and to understand and develop complex ideas.
Our chosen Literacy curriculum encompasses the National Curriculum Aims to ensure all pupils experience and develop high standards of language and literacy to develop their love of literature.
- Enthusiasm for reading and literature with the confidence to discuss the wide range of text types, authors and illustrators they know and enjoy.
- Curiosity to explore new texts in response to recommendations and self-assurance to question and give opinions about what they have read.
- Ownership to use text as a tool for developing creativity and to gain a deeper understanding of areas of interest, for expanding knowledge or to complete investigation.
- Communication through speech and written word showing confidence and bravery to use a high standard of English and adventurous vocabulary across the curriculum and in a range of situations,
- Creativity and innovation across writing with accurate grammar and spelling.
- Collaboration with peers to generate ideas and reflect on their writing to improve and amend.
Through effectively taught lessons in literacy and across the curriculum, we aim to help children develop to the best of their ability in the following areas;
Turnditch is a reading rich school and we work hard to ensure that every child in our care is both read with and read to to foster a true love of reading and literature. Our children’s ability to work with more complex language is developed through the progressive use of language rich texts and both independent and guided reading sessions.
At Turnditch, writing builds on the development of accuracy in spelling and developing a progressive understanding of grammar and punctuation. This ensures that children can clearly, accurately and coherently explain their understanding and ideas.
Speaking and Listening
Children are supported by the development of skills in spoken language. Subjects are explored and developed through discussion, and used in presentation, performance, expression and debate. As a school we also offer wider curricular opportunities for children to enhance their speaking and listening skills. Here are a few examples of how we do this;
- annual poetry competition
- annual play performances for both infant and junior classes
- regular show and tell sessions
- child led collective worship session
Spelling rules are taught explicitly to all year groups. In Reception, Year One and the beginning of Year Two this is mainly part of phonics, using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds, with additional rules such as pluralisation being taught discretely during the English lesson. From Year Two onwards spelling is taught as a regular, short burst session every day using Ed Shed Spelling. Spelling lists are sent home for all year groups. This is also part of the school’s homework expectations. Children can access Ed Shed from home using their personal logins to complete spelling activities.
Letter Join is used across school. See Handwriting Page here for further details.